Latest News
Catherine in top 20.
Timely Kenya have voted Catherine Omanyo as the 10th most impactful woman in Kenya. Their decision was made after...
News from the School
The short rains have now arrived. Up to now normal and the hope is it remains so. The first week of exams is now over....
Congratulations to Stu on his sprint triathlon.
The area around the school has had it tough recently with severe flooding earlier this year causing much devastation....
Our priority funding needs
School Essentials
There is a constant need for new books, stationary and all the educational necessities.
Unfortunately organised gangs have started stealing from the school. We need to install a security fence to protect people and the plants and materials we have worked to hard to buy. £10 will buy 1 metre of fence. The graphic above shows how were are doing.
When students do get sick we ensure they get the best available medical help
Self-sustaining, equal access education in rural Western Kenya
Education For All
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We Fight Illiteracy
Giving less advantaged children an education
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