How else can i help?

As little as £25.00 per month will provide school uniform, regular meals, accommodation and access to quality education. You can donate online, make a cash donation to one of the Trustees or Operation Imprezza collection boxes around South Devon, set up a standing order or make a cheque payable to Operation Imprezza and post it to Chris Hulme, 14 Elm Grove, Teignmouth, Devon
TQ14 8SA.
Follow us on Facebook to see our latest events and sign up for a newsletter.
For more information, please contact Chris Hulme on 01626 777419 or email
We are always open to suggestions for fundraising ideas, be it coffee mornings, fun runs or sky diving!
For local folk, The Whistlestop Café at Teignmouth Railway Station (Devon) sells books and other items which helps to support Imprezza Academy, as well as all the tickets for our fundraising events.
If you have a fundraising idea or opportunity to help our charity raise some much needed cash, please contact Chris Hulme on 01626 777419 or email
Easy Fundraising whilst you shop online!
Easy Fundraising whilst you shop online!
There’s now a new and easy way for you to help us raise funds for Operation Imprezza – simply by shopping online! is a tool that helps us raise money from nearly everything you buy online, it’s completely free and doesn’t cost you anything extra. Shops such as Tesco and Next pay Easyfundraising every time they refer a customer who then buys an item, and Easyfundraising then pass on some of that payment to us. Why? Well, most customers will prefer to shop at supermarkets and department stores that help raise money for their chosen charities, and retailers don’t want to miss out on a sale.
Sounds Great! But How Does It Work?
There are two options – download and install a browser plug-in that automatically provides you with a simple button to click that just refreshes your page, or visit the Easyfundraising website whenever you shop online where you ca browse the latest offers.
At no extra cost to you, we’ll receive a free donation of up to 15% from every purchase you make. It really is that simple!
It’s completely FREE to register and use, and you still shop with each retailer in exactly the same way. Many retailers even offer additional discounts and money saving e-Vouchers when you shop using Easyfundraising.
If you shop online anyway, then why not raise valuable extra funds for us by using this fantastic scheme. All you need to do is visit and when you register, select Operation Imprezza as the organization you wish to support.

Volunteering Opportunities

Easy Fundraising whilst you shop online!
There’s now a new and easy way for you to help us raise funds for Operation Imprezza – simply by shopping online! is a tool that helps us raise money from nearly everything you buy online, it’s completely free and doesn’t cost you anything extra. Shops such as Tesco and Next pay Easyfundraising every time they refer a customer who then buys an item, and Easyfundraising then pass on some of that payment to us. Why? Well, most customers will prefer to shop at supermarkets and department stores that help raise money for their chosen charities, and retailers don’t want to miss out on a sale.
Sounds Great! But How Does It Work?
There are two options – download and install a browser plug-in that automatically provides you with a simple button to click that just refreshes your page, or visit the Easyfundraising website whenever you shop online where you ca browse the latest offers.
At no extra cost to you, we’ll receive a free donation of up to 15% from every purchase you make. It really is that simple!
It’s completely FREE to register and use, and you still shop with each retailer in exactly the same way. Many retailers even offer additional discounts and money saving e-Vouchers when you shop using Easyfundraising.
If you shop online anyway, then why not raise valuable extra funds for us by using this fantastic scheme. All you need to do is visit and when you register, select Operation Imprezza as the organization you wish to support.
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We Fight Illiteracy
Giving less advantaged children an education
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