what operation imprezza does

Operation Imprezza is a UK based charity (No:1148240) supporting Imprezza Academy, a school for pupils based in the fourth poorest part of Western Kenya.
Many children in rural locations can’t attend school because it is too far from their homes. Along with day students, Imprezza Academy also has boarding facilities so that students living over 2 hours walk from the site will still be able to gain an education. As many of the students who attend the Academy are destitute, orphaned, malnourished or HIV+, Imprezza offers healthcare, food and even a permanent home to pupils.
We think the school may be unique in Western Kenya offering free education and boarding to the very needy. To the best of our knowledge other schools charge some fees, including state schools.
The school currently has just under 320 students of which around 300 board. We hope to increase our numbers to 400 once our new build is completed and we can find the finance to do so. Since the new curriculum was introduced in January 2024 our waiting list has grown to over 360! If we had the finance we could have enough classrooms and dorms to accommodate all and run with a school of around 700-750. This is why our agriculture projects are so urgent as they will generate additional food and potentially funds from selling surplus. But in order to safely grow crops and rear animals we need to install a security fence.
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Giving less advantaged children an education
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